Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cto

Call for papers

We would like to remind you that the call for papers for the next volume of our journal, to be published in 2025, is still open. We welcome articles in the fields of theology, philosophy, and related disciplines. Articles can be submitted through our platform. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Secretary. We assure you that we will make every effort to ensure a high-quality publication.

Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana 40 (2024)

The next volume of our journal will be published soon. We are pleased to present its table of contents:

Bogdan Ferdek
The Dogmatic Aspect of Postmodernity in a Theological Perspective
Piotr Goniszewski
Mindfulness Training as a Secular Form of Spirituality
Wojciech Kućko
Pope Francis’ Contribution to the Construction of a “New Humanism”
Mariusz Kuźniar
Contemporary Family Attitudes and Values in Czech Society
Jan Mikrut
The Initial Phase of the Communist Struggle for Power in Central and Eastern Europe 1945–1956: The Tragic Fate of the Catholic Church in Czechia and Slovakia
Peter Schallenberg, Maximilian Welticke
Capitalism and Catholicism: Comparing Democratic Capitalism and Social Market Economy in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching
Stanisław Judycki
Spekulatywne Boże Narodzenie
Diana Del Mastro
“The Philosophers’ Steamships”: the Expulsion of the Russian Intelligentsia by the Bolshevik Regime in 1922
Adam Raszewski
The Ideal of a Good Ruler in the Political Thought of the Count of Chambord
Jarosław Nowaszczuk
Honouring Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in Poetry – Jacob Masen and His Collection of Poems for the Nuncio Fabius Chigi
Sławomir Bukalski
Lęk jako stan i cecha u osób praktykujących kult miłosierdzia Bożego
Katarzyna Zagórska
Radio Communication Strategies on the Example of Selected Religious Stations

Financial help of the Ministry of Education and Science

CTO has become a beneficiary of the ministerial program “Development of scientific journals”. Financial help will enable us to translate our authors' texts into English. The purpose of the help is primarily the internationalization and promotion of the journal. We invite you to submit your texts that, translated into English, will be able to reach a larger audience. However, the editorial office reserves the right to select works that will be translated free of charge.

CTO on the Facebook

The website of our journal was built on the Facebook platform. You will find there current information related to the work of the editorial office and the activities of the Institute of Theological Sciences of the University of Szczecin. We invite you to visit, like and follow us. We will also be grateful for recommending the site to your friends.