Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2023.38-09

Issue archive / t. 38 (67) 2023
Spisy członków lóż masońskich w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej Poznaniu jako źródło do badań nad kadrą pedagogiczną Królewskiego i Miejskiego Gimnazjum oraz Gimnazjum Mariackiego w Szczecinie w latach 1805-1935
(Lists of members of Masonic lodges in the collections of the University Library in Poznań as a source for research on the teaching staff of the Royal and Municipal Gymnasiums and Mariacki Gymnasium in Szczecin in the years 1805–1935)

Authors: Karolina Tomczyk-Kozioł ORCID
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
Keywords: Masonry Masonic lodges member lists Royal and Municipal Gymnasium Mariacki Gymnasium
Whole issue publication date:2023
Page range:26 (178-203)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Members of Masonic lodges active in Szczecin also included teachers who lectured at the Royal and Municipal Gymnasium (Königliches und Stadtgymnasium) since 1805 and later at Mariacki Gymnasium (Königliches Marienstiftsgymnasium) from 1869 onwards. Their professional careers, parallel to their Masonic activities, can be analyzed based on the preserved yearbooks of Masonic lodge member lists. In addition to information about their professions and positions held, these lists also recorded the advancement of Freemasons through the different initiation degrees and the roles they fulfilled. Among the Worshipful Masters leading the lodges and directing their activities were notable figures such as professors Justus Günther Grassmann and Hermann Hering. Masons also included a polymath Hermann Grassmann, a distinguished mathematician and linguist, as well as a famous composer and conductor Carl Löwe. The aim of this article is to present these lists of lodge members as valuable historical sources and to highlight the research topics (areas) in which they could be used.
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