Authors: |
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland Beata Tokarz-Deptuła Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland Paulina Czupryńska Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Szczecin, Felczaka 3c, 71-412 Szczecin, Poland Wiesław Deptuła Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland |
Keywords: | Archaea biofilm environment quorum sensing |
Whole issue publication date: | 2019 |
Page range: | 10 (35-44) |
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