Authors: |
![]() Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Łukasz Dominiak ![]() Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Igor Wysocki ![]() Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń |
Keywords: | duty to rescue conflict of rights remedy principle economic incentives self-ownership Peter Singer |
Whole issue publication date: | 2024 |
Page range: | 34 (91-124) |
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8. | Block, W. (2021). Rejoinder to Dominiak on the necessity of easements. Ekonomia – Wrocław Economic Review, 27 (1), 9–25. |
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16. | Dominiak, Ł. (2021). Libertarian easements revisited. Ekonomia – Wroclaw Eco- nomic Review, 27 (1), 27–35. |
17. | Dominiak, Ł. (2019). Must right-Libertarians embrace easements by necessity? Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy, 16 (60), 34–51. |
18. | Dominiak, Ł., Wysocki, I. (2023). Libertarianism, defense of property, and absolute rights. Analiza i Egzystencja, 61 (1), 5–26. |
19. | Dominiak, Ł., Wysocki, I., Wójtowicz, S. (2023). Dialogical estoppel, erga omnes rights, and Libertarian theory of punishment and self-defense. Journal of Lib- ertarian Studies, 27, 1–24. |
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33. | Kinsella, S. (1996a). New rationalist directions in Libertarian rights theory. Jour- nal of Libertarian Studies, 12 (2), 313–326. |
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