Authors: |
![]() Uniwersytet Szczeciński |
Editorial Board: |
![]() Uniwersytet Szczeciński |
Keywords: | analytic philosophy conceptual engineering social epistemology social ontology social turn |
Whole issue publication date: | 2024 |
Page range: | 18 (63-80) |
1. | Ásta. (2018). Categories We Live By: The Construction of Sex, Gender, Race, and Other Social Categories. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
2. | Beaney, M. (red.) (2007a). The Analytic Turn. Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge. |
3. | Beaney, M. (2007b). The Analytic Turn in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy. W: M. Beaney (red.), The Analytic Turn. Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology (s. 1–30). New York: Routledge. |
4. | Bergmann, G. (1952). Two Types of Linguistic Philosophy. The Review of Metaphysics, 5(3), 417–438. |
5. | Blackburn, S. (2002 [1999]). Myśl. Zaproszenie do filozofii. Tłum. J. Karłowski. Poznań: REBIS. |
6. | Brännmark, J. (2019a). Contested Institutional Facts. Erkenntnis, 84(5), 1047–1064. |
7. | Brännmark, J. (2019b). Institutions, Ideology, and Nonideal Social Ontology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 49(2), 137–159. |
8. | Burgess, A., Plunkett, D. (2013a). Conceptual ethics I. Philosophy Compass, 8(12), 1091–1101. |
9. | Burgess, A., Plunkett, D. (2013b). Conceptual ethics II. Philosophy Compass, 8(12), 1102–1110. |
10. | Burman, Á. (2023). Nonideal Social Ontology: The Power View. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
11. | Broad, C.D. (1924). Critical and Speculative Philosophy. W: J.H. Muirhead (red.), Contemporary British Philosophy. Personal Statements, first series, George Allen and Unwin, 75–100 . |
12. | Cappelen, H. (2018). Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
13. | Cappelen, H. & Dever J. (2021). On the Uselessness of the Distinction Between Ideal and Non-Ideal Theory. W: J. Khoo, R. Sterken (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language (s. 91–106). New York: Routledge, |
14. | Cappelen, H. (2023). The Concept of Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
15. | Case, T. (1888). Physical Realism: Being an Analytical Philosophy From the Physical Objects of Science to the Physical Data of Sense. Longmans, Green, and Co. |
16. | Chalmers, D. (2020). What is Conceptual Engineering and What Should It Be? Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 1–18. |
17. | Creath, R. (1990). Dear Carnap, Dear Van. The Quine – Carnap Correspondence and Related Work. Berkeley: University of California. |
18. | Di Lucia, P. (2003). Tre modelli dell’ontologia sociale. W: P. Di Luca (red.), Ontologia sociale. Potere deontico a regole constitutive (s. 9–24). Macerato: Quodlibert. |
19. | Feigl H., Sellars W. (red.). (1949). Readings in Philosophical Analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. |
20. | Fricker, M., Graham, P., Henderson, D., Pedersen, N.J. (red.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York: Routledge. |
21. | Frost-Arnold, G. (2017). The Rise of ‘Analytic Philosophy’: When and How Did People Begin Calling Themselves ‘Analytic Philosophers’? W: S. Lapointe, C. Pincock (red.), Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy (s. 27–57). London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
22. | Fuller, S. (1988). Social Epistemology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. |
23. | Gilbert, M. (1989). On Social Facts. New York: Routledge. |
24. | Goldman, A. (1988). Epistemology and Cognition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. |
25. | Goldman, A. (2021 [1998]). Wiedza a świat społeczny. Tłum. A. Grobler. Warszawa: PWN. |
26. | Goldman, A. I. (2001). Experts: Which Ones Should You Trust? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 63(1), 85–110. |
27. | Hacker, P.M.S. (2013). The Linguistic Turn in Analytic Philosophy. W: M. Beaney (red.), The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy (s. 926–946). Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
28. | Haslanger, S. (2000). Gender and Race: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them To Be? Noûs, 34(1), 31–55. |
29. | Husserl, E. (1973 [1910]). Die Gegebenheit konkreter sozialer Gegenständlichkeiten und Gebilde und die Klärung auf sie bezüglicher Begriffe. Soziale Ontologie und deskriptive Soziologie. W: I. Kern, M. Nijhoff (red.), Husserliana XIII. Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität. Texte aus dem Nachlaß. Erster Teil: 1905– 1920 (s. 98–104). Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff. |
30. | Jenkins, K. (2023). Ontology and Oppression: Race, Gender, and Social Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
31. | Kaczmarczyk, L. (2016). Epistemologia społeczna a pojęcie organizacji opartej na wiedzy. Filo-Sofija, 33, 205–214. |
32. | Khoo J. & Sterken R. (red.). (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language. New York: Routledge. |
33. | Kosecki, A. (2022). Inżynieria pojęciowa a metoda eksplikacji. Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3): 251–272. |
34. | Kosecki, A. (2023). Ontologia społeczna w świetle filozofii Romana Ingardena. Analiza i Egzystencja, 64 (4), 91–114. DOI: 10.18276/aie.2023.64-05. |
35. | Mills, C. (2005). Ideal Theory as Ideology. Hypatia, 20(3),165–84. |
36. | Mills, C. (2007). White Ignorance. W: N. Tuana, S. Sullivan (red.) Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance. New York: State University of New York Press, 13–38. |
37. | Moore, G. (1903). The Refutation of Idealism. Mind, New Series, 12, (48), 433–453. |
38. | Nagel, E. (1936a). Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe I. The Journal of Philosophy, 33(1), 5–24. |
39. | Nagel, E. (1936b). Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe II. The Journal of Philosophy, 33(2), 29–53 |
40. | Quine, W.V. (2000 [1951]). Dwa dogmaty empiryzmu. W: Z punktu widzenia logiki, tłum. B. Stanosz (s. 49–75). Warszawa: Aletheia. |
41. | Quine, W.V. (1999 [1960]). Słowo i przedmiot. Tłum. C. Cieśliński. Warszawa: Aletheia. |
42. | Quine, W.V. (1986 [1969]). Epistemologia znaturalizowana. W: Granice wiedzy i inne eseje filozoficzne (s. 106 – 125). Tłum. B. Stanosz. Warszawa: PWN. |
43. | Ramsey, F.P. (1990 [1929]). Philosophy. W: D.H. Mellor (red.), F. P. Ramsey, Philosophical Papers (s. 1–7). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
44. | Rawls, J. (2009 [1973]). Teoria sprawiedliwości. Tłum. M. Panufnik, J. Pasek, A. Romaniuk. Warszawa: PWN. |
45. | Rorty, R. (ed.) (1967). The Linguistic Turn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. |
46. | Russell, B. (1903). The Principles of Mathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
47. | Russell, B. (1967 [1905]). Denotacja. W: J. Pelc (red.), Logika i język. Studia z semiotyki logicznej (s. 253–276). Tłum. J. Pelc. Warszawa: PWN. |
48. | Salice, A. (2013). Social Ontology as Embedded in the Tradition of Phenomenological Realism. W: M. Schmitz, B. Kobow, H.B. Schmid (red.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO (s. 217–232). New York: Springer. |
49. | Salice, A., Schmid, H.B. (red.) (2016). The Phenomenological Approach to Social Reality. History, Concepts, Problems. New York: Springer. |
50. | Searle, J. (1995). The Construction of Social Reality. New York: Free Press. |
51. | Searle, J. (2010). Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
52. | Stebbing, L.S. (1932). The Method of Analysis in Metaphysics. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 33(1), 65–94. |
53. | Stebbing, L.S. (1933). Logical Positivism and Analysis. Proceedings of the British Academy, 53–87. |
54. | Szanto, T., Moran, D. (red.) (2016). Phenomenology of Sociality. Discovering the „We”. New York: Routledge. |
55. | Szubka, T. (2009). Filozofia analityczna: Koncepcje, metody, ograniczenia. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. |
56. | Tuomela, R. (2002). The Philosophy of Social Practices: A Collective Acceptance View. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
57. | Weinberg, J. (2023). The Social Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Promises and Perils. Daily Nous. URL: <>.ridge: Cambridge University Press. |
58. | Wisdom, J. (1934). Problems of Mind and Matter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
59. | Wittgenstein, L. (2011 [1921]). Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Tłum. B. Wolniewicz. Warszawa: PWN. |