Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media

ISSN: 2353-8694     eISSN: 2719-4361    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/au.2022.1.18-14
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / nr 1 (18) 2022
„Ustawiania” odbioru dzieła na przykładzie wybranych prezentacji niemieckiego wydania powieści Artura Daniela Liskowackiego
(„Setting” the Reception – Based on Selected Presentations of the German editions of Artur Daniel Liskowacki’s novel)

Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża
Keywords: Artur Daniel Liskowacki Eine kleine Sonate für S. (translation: Joanna Manc) reception of a literary work strategies for “setting” the reception.
Whole issue publication date:2022-12
Page range:13 (173-185)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article aims to discuss the selected presentations of the German translation of Artur Daniel Liskowacki’s novel. The author analyzes the publisher’s strategies of presenting the novel in Germany and interprets the vision of the novel shown on a website dedicated to books published in German-speaking countries. The article suggests introducing terms that would specify the roles of literary figures that influence the readers’ opinions of given books. Moreover, certain selected actions of the “setters” of the German translation of Eine kleine are discussed and some differences are demonstrated between Polish and German adjusting of the “setting” of the novel in the media space.
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