Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media

ISSN: 2353-8694     eISSN: 2719-4361    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/au.2023.2.21-09
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / nr 2 (21) 2023
Nostalgie posthistorii, blizny postpamięci – (o)znaczanie nieobecności, (prze)pisanie utraty w "Mapie" Barbary Sadurskiej
(Nostalgies of posthistory, scars of postmemory – (re)marking absence, (re) writing loss in Barbara Sadurska’s "Mapa")

Uniwersytet Gdański
Keywords: Holocaust postmemory trauma narrative intergenerational transmission third-generation hauntology materiality
Data publikacji całości:2023
Page range:16 (151-166)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


In the article I examine the narrative form of the novel Mapa by Barbara Sadurska, situating its issues in the context of research in the field of postmemory, trauma studies and hauntology. Based on the observations of Dominick LaCapra and Victoria Aarons regarding the poetics typical of third-generation fictional works, I propose a thesis about the dual nature of elaborating the autobiographical experience of absence through narrative modes characteristic of postmodernist fictional prose and post-memorial generational novels. Sadurska attempts to tell/mark an absent history, using, on the one hand, the practice of encoding trauma typical of prosthetic memory and, on the other, referring to the motif of a postmemorial scar, a traumatic punctum, which is a trace of ethnic belonging and a mark of family inheritance – a form that is both material and symbolically indeterminate, and therefore a hauntology close to paradoxes.
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