Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia

ISSN: 2450-8543     eISSN: 2353-317X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cgs

Editorial Staff

German literature

Dorota Sośnicka 




Dorota Sośnicka, PhD, Associate professor for German literary studies at the Institute for Literature and New Media at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin. She studied German philology at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. In 1998 she submitted a PhD dissertation on Gerhard Meier’s literary output (Wie handgewobene Teppiche: Die Prosawerke Gerhard Meiers. Bern [u.a.]: Lang, 1999; awarded the Polish Minister of Higher Education Prize). In 2009 Habilitation at the University of Łódź with the work Den Rhythmus der Zeit einfangen: Erzählexperimente in der Deutschschweizer Gegenwartsliteratur (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2008). She has been awarded a DAAD scholarship as well as a scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is a member of many Polish and international organisations (e.g. Polish Germanists’ Association, Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik, Internationale Alfred-Döblin-Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft für Erforschung der Deutschschweizer Literatur, Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum). She has published extensively on the theory of narration and on contemporary German-language literature, particularly Swiss literature, as well as on narrative theory; (Co-) editor of the edited volumes: Ein neuer Aufbruch? 1991–2011: Die Deutschschweizer Literatur nach der 700-Jahr-Feier (z M. Penderem, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2012), Fabulierwelten: Zum (Auto)Biographischen in der Literatur der deutschen Schweiz. Festschrift für Beatrice Sandberg zum 75. Geburtstag (z I. Hernández, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2017), Tabuzonen und Tabubrüche in der Deutschschweizer Literatur (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, 2020). Selection of publications



Anna Pilarski 




Anna Pilarski, Associate professor for Linguistics at the Institute of Linguistics at the University of Szczecin. Doctorate obtained in 2001 at the University of Gdańsk (Danzig) on the basis of the dissertation: Ein generatives Modell der Kategorie „Person“. Syntaktische Varianten der Kongruenz zwischen Subjekt und finitem Verb im Polnischen und Deutschen [A generative model of the category “person”. Syntactic variants of agreement between subject and finite verb in Polish and German]. Habilitiation (2014) at the University of Gdańsk (Danzig). Scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). International research cooperation within the framework of Erasmus + mobility. Numerous publications with following research foci: contrastive German-Polish grammar, generative syntax (the Principles and Parameters framework and the Minimalist Program), Biolinguistics, new perspectives on dependency verb grammar, German-Polish communicative grammar, the syntax of Yiddish. Book publications: “Die Operation Merge im Verbalkomplex des Polnischen und des Deutschen” [The operation merge in the verbal complex of Polish and German], Frankfurt am Main 2002; “Das Nullsubjekt im Polnischen. Dependenzielle Verbgrammatik und Generative Transformationsgrammatik im Modellvergleich” [Null-subject in Polish. A comparison of the models: Dependency Verb Grammar and Transformational Generative Grammar], München 2013 (habilitation treatise); co-author of the German-Polish communicative grammar (dpk), Hamburg 2017; Das Jiddische und Polnische im Sprachkontakt. Eine Untersuchung ausgewählter sprachlicher Phänomene“ [Yiddish and Polish in language contact. An investigation of selected linguistic phenomena], Hamburg, 2019.



Magdalena Zyga




Magdalena Zyga, PhD, is an assistant professor at the University of Szczecin (Institute of Linguistics). In 2012 she obtained her doctorate on the basis of the dissertation Idiolekte in deutschsprachigen literarischen Texten [Idiolects in German-language literary texts], published in 2013. Her research interests encompass translation studies, especially literary translation, cognitive linguistics and linguistic discourse analysis. Her publications include: Curative or beauty treatment? Language and manipulation in leaflets of medical devices, in: Text & Talk 40 (2020), 777-797; The Prologue to Narcopolis by Jeet Thayil in translation into German and Polish, in: FORUM. International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 18: 2 (2020), 231-250; Is God nothingness or blackness?: literature as a platform for integration of religious discourse(s) and the discourse of (natural) sciences, in: Tekst i Dyskurs =Text und Diskurs 11 (2018), 427-447.


Thematic Editors (Issue No 23-27): Ewelina Kamińska-Ossowska, Ryszard Lipczuk, Magdalena Lisiecka-Czop, Jolanta Mazurkiewicz-Sokołowska, Krzysztof Nerlicki, Anna Pilarski, Dorota Sośnicka, Piotr Sulikowski



Publication decisions: Editorial board consists of one literary scholar, one linguist and a secretary. The appropriate editor representing the chosen discipline (literature studies or linguistics) decides if the submitted article qualifies for publication.  The decision to accept an article for publication or reject it is based on its importance, quality and its relevance to the scope of the journal. The final decision about the acceptance of an article depends on positive decisions of two independent, anonymous reviews by the reviewers, who do not know the author (double-blind review process). The editor strives to select the reviewers in a way that their research scope is compatible with the topic addressed in the article. In case of one negative review the editorial board asks other members of the Academic Advisory Council of the Journal (in accordance with the scholarly discipline they represent and the article concerns) for opinion and decides either to accept the article, to appoint a new reviewer or to reject the article, and informs the author(s) about the decision.

Transparency of the editorial process: The whole editorial process is conducted transparently with the use of the electronic support system of Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego (University of Szczecin Publishing House). After the submission of an article on the website of the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA via the menu option “Suggest Article” the system automatically notifies the appropriate editor about it and the author is subsequently informed by the system about the following stages of editorial work, i.e. about the acceptance or rejection of the article by the editor, arrival of the review, the necessity of corrections in accordance with the review, as well as, after language correction, about sending the article to publication. The articles in the issues of COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA are primarily published in printed form and the author receives one author’s copy. Subsequently all articles in a volume are published electronically on the website of the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA and are made available in electronic databases in which the journal is indexed.

Monitoring the ethical standards: Editorial board is monitoring the ethical standards of scientific publications and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices.

Confidentiality: Editorial boards will make sure that all materials submitted to the Journal remain confidential during the whole editorial process. Editorial board is not permitted to disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to any persons besides the author(s), reviewers, potential reviewers, Academic Advisory Council and the publisher. Unpublished materials cannot be used by the editorial board and the members of the Academic Advisory Council in their own research without a written consent of the author(s).

Maintaining the integrity of the academic record: The editors will guard the integrity of the published academic record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed in case of allegations of research and publication misconduct. Plagiarism and fraudulent data are unacceptable.

Retractions of the articles: Journal’s editors will consider retracting a publication if the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification or the article constitutes plagiarism. Retracted articles will not be removed from printed copies of the journal nor from electronic archives but their retracted status will be indicated as clearly as possible.

Scientific Board

  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Barkhoff (Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin)
  • Prof. Cilliers van den Berg (University of the Free State, Südafrika)
  • Dr. Thorsten Carstensen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Gisbert Fanselow (Universität Potsdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Isabel Hernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Dr. habil. Ján Jambor (Ústav svetovej literatúry Slovenskej akadémie vied Bratislava, v. v. i., Prešovská univerzita v Prešove)
  • Prof. Dr. Vesna Kondric Horvat (Univerza v Mariboru)
  • prof. dr hab. Ryszard Lipczuk (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)
  • Prof. Dr. Ilse Nagelschmidt (Universität Leipzig)
  • Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Ramers (Universität Rostock)
  • Prof. em. Peter Rusterholz (Universität Bern)
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schiewe (Universität Greifswald)
  • prof. dr hab. Monika Szczepaniak (UKW Bydgoszcz)
  • Prof. Dr. Paula Wojcik (Universität Wien)
  • prof. dr hab. Monika Wolting (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
  • Prof. em. Hans Dieter Zimmermann (TU Berlin)



Composition: The Academic Advisory Council of the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA is composed of acknowledged researchers from various academic institutions from various countries, who are academic authorities in the field of one of the two basic scholarly disciplines pertinent to the topics of the articles published in the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA, i.e. literature studies or linguistics of German-language countries.

Function: the members of the Academic Advisory Council of the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA act in an advisory capacity of the editorial board with respect to various issues concerning the functioning of the Journal and the strategy of its further development, as well as better promotion of the Journal among Polish and international German philologists. Moreover, the members help the editorial board to make decisions concerning accepting for publication or rejecting an article which obtained two mutually exclusive reviews. In such cases the editors turn to selected members of the Academic Advisory Council having scholarly expertise in the same or similar field as the one pertinent to the article, and ask them for opinion.

Confidentiality: The members of the Academic Advisory Council of the journal COLLOQUIA GERMANICA STETINENSIA shall not reveal any information about the authors, manuscripts and their reviews to any persons besides the editors and the publisher. The unpublished materials must not be used by the members of the Academic Advisory Council in their own research without a written permission of the author(s).


University of Szczecin Press