Europa Regionum

ISSN: 1428-278X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/er.2016.28-08
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / t. 28 2016
Determinanty sukcesu organizacji masowej imprezy biegowej na przykładzie biegu ulicznego „Nocna Ściema"

Authors: Ewa Kasperska

Mirosław Kasperski
Whole issue publication date:2016
Page range:12 (123-134)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The article’s format is a science report. Its aim is to diagnose the factors determining successful running event and was based on survey amongst participants of mass run "Night Fake", the 2014 edition. As part of the survey contestants were asked e.g. about the motives of their participation in specific running event, what in their opinion determines successful event, furthermore, why they decided to take part in the Night Fake and where they obtained information about it. The study allowed to conclude that the success is determined by a unique idea, but also comprehensive information, well-functioning competition office and volunteers; the image of the event, its reputation and level of runners’ satisfaction of a previous edition, which affects participation in a following year. Translated by Elżbieta Nazari
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1.Nocna Ściema. (dostęp 2016).
2.Nocna Ściema.; (dostęp 2016).
3.Nocna Ściema., (dostęp 2016).