Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2016.2-05

Issue archive / z. 2 2016
Przełom w stosunkach polsko-niemieckich wiosną 1939 roku w świetle szczecińskiego dziennika „Stettiner General-Anzeiger”
(Turning-Point in the Polish-German Relations in Spring 1939 in the Light of the ‘Stettiner General-Anzeiger’)

Authors: Maciej Szukała
Archiwum Państwowe w Szczecinie
Keywords: German press the history of Szczecin (German: Stettin) Polish-German relations
Whole issue publication date:2016
Page range:18 (89-106)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


An analysis of the press material of the first two quarters of 1939 indicates that the Szczecin daily in the reality of a totalitarian state was guided by the directives of the central authorities of the Third Reich. There was no formal preventive censorship, however ‘Stettiner General-Anzeiger’ had to take into consideration the raison d’état of the Third Reich. Therefore the changing attitude of the German authorities towards Poland is well visible in the articles; from hope that Poland might become Germany’s Juniorpartner, i.e. a state at the same time allied and dependent, cherished to the end of March 1939, toa growing disappointment at the beginning of April and open threats since May 1939. That state of political tension between Poland and Germany was to be maintained up to the tragic September 1939.
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