Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie

ISSN: 1230-0780     eISSN: 2719-4337    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/skk.2015.22-08

Issue archive / nr 22 2015
Zbawczy charakter misterium Bożego Narodzenia. Próba prezentacji dynamicznej wizji wcielenia
(Salvific character of the mystery of Christmas. An attempt to present the dynamic vision of incarnation)

Authors: Bogdan Kulik
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Misjonarzy Świętej Rodziny w Kazimierzu Biskupim
Keywords: Jesus Christ Incarnation Salvation Redemption
Whole issue publication date:2015
Page range:16 (115-130)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Although the work of salvation of man by Jesus Christ reached its climax in His passion, death and resurrection, it began on the reception of human nature by the Son of God. It is witnessedin the Holy Scripture and Tradition which teach that the main objective of the salvific action is to liberate the man from sin and restore him to the fullness of life. Since the destructive powerof sin reveals itself in: 1) breaking off the relationships with God, 2) death, 3) a loss of the meaning of life. These three specific consequences of sin relates to the salvific action of God inthe act of the Incarnation. Salvation has got a dual aspect: it is bestowing the good (the positive aspect) and liberating from the evil (the negative aspect). As a result, the Incarnation of theSon of God includes: 1) offering one’s presence and liberating from loneliness, 2) offering life and liberating from death, 3) offering hope and liberating from meaninglessness. Christmasis the right moment to spread this truth. This celebration ought to be a special occasion to reflect deeply upon the mystery of the liberating meeting of man with God in the newly-bornEmmanuel.
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