Studia Paradyskie

ISSN: 0860-8539     eISSN: 2956-4204    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sp.2023.33-03
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 33/2023
Człowiek a przyroda – przesłanie papieża Franciszka w encyklice Laudato si’
(Man and Nature – The Message of Pope Francis in the Encyclical Laudato si’)

Authors: Marek Derlatka ORCID
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Keywords: nature protection lifestyle natural resources encyclical
Data publikacji całości:2023-12
Page range:13 (35-47)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:
Downloads ?: 117


Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ is a continuation of the Church’s care for nature, which each year shrinks and gives way to more and more intrusive human pressure. The dedication of the entire most important form of papal teaching, which is the encyclical, to the protection of the environment proves the seriousness of the problem and should mobilize not only Catholics to act. Scientific conferences, nature films and demonstrations of ecologists are no longer enough, there is a need for specific actions and changes Marek Derlatka 36 in the mentality of representatives of homo sapiens, otherwise in a few dozen years we may remain one of the few species of living creatures on Earth. What is valuable in the head of the Roman Catholic Church’s gaze on the matter of saving what we have not yet destroyed, is that he sees an opportunity to reverse disturbing processes that are often perceived as impossible to stop. Despite the statements of many scientists that human interference with nature is unstoppable, the pope believes that “caring for nature is part of a lifestyle that means the ability to live together and in communion”. Trying to change our lifestyle, habits, reckless behavior and simply irrational decisions about the unlimited use of our planet’s resources is essential if the next generations are to live on Earth
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