Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Acta Politica

Currently: Acta Politica Polonica

ISSN: 0867-0617    OAI

Issue archive / 1/2010 (23)
Wielokulturowe dziedzictwo Pomorza w polityce wystawienniczej Muzeum Narodowego w Szczecinie
(Multicultural heritage of Pomerania in the policy of the exhibition of the national museum in Szczecin)

Authors: Iwona Karwowska
Muzeum Narodowego w Szczecinie
Keywords: regionalism, local culture, borderland, material culture
Data publikacji całości:2010
Page range:11 (139-149)


One of the most characteristic and important places situated in each region are museums. Their exhibitions are devoted, in general and in particular, to local history and culture as well as to specificity of natural and geographical situation of region. It is the most important mission of each museum to collect, scientifically describe and expose the relics of material culture. Presenting the complicated history of Pomerania is a difficult task, especially in the view of different expectations expressed by the contemporary and past inhabitants of the city, yet the museum adopted it as an important aspect of its activities. Consequently, since 1989, the museum prepared several temporary exhibitions demonstrating the German cultural heritage of the region with examples of eminent persons living and acting in the region at that time as well as showing the dramatic period of the post-war transformation.


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