Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media

ISSN: 2353-8694    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / nr 1 (1) 2013
„Moje widzenie rzeczywistości jest nieostre”
(„My vision of reality seems to be blurred”)

Authors: Katarzyna Jakubiak
Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Sławomir Iwasiów
Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Justyna Sobolewska
Keywords: prose academic literature emigration travel representation
Whole issue publication date:2014
Page range:10 (109-118)


The article documents a meet-the-author session with Katarzyna Jakubiak (born in 1973) – polish writer, translator and academic teacher. The interview took place in Szczecin on June 2013 during the cultural event Festiwal Literatury Kobiet Gryfia and was moderated by Justyna Sobolewska and Sławomir Iwasiów. This year the author got nomination to award Literacka Nagroda Gryfia for collection of short stories entitled „Nieostre widzenia”. The debate between Jakubiak, Sobolewska and Iwasiów was focused on certain issues such as: emigration, academic literature and representation in prose. Jakubiak told the audience about the process of writing but also talked about emigrational experience, traveling and teaching at the American and European universities. Those are the subjects that were interesting for the interviewers: Justyna Sobolewska is a recognized literary critic, a connoisseur of modern-day Polish literature who works for major opinion leaders in media (such as weekly magazine Polityka), while Sławomir Iwasiów is a literary scholar who explores the latest Polish prose and its relationships with such categories as travel and identity.
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