Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cto.2017.2-06
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 2/2017
Nawroty brzmieniowe w ewangelii wg św. Marka w kilku nowszych przekładach wersetów 33-50 z rozdziału 9
(The wording recurence in the gospel according to st. Mark in several newer translations of verses 33-50 form chapter 9)

Authors: Grzegorz Kubski
Wydział Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny UAM w Kaliszu Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
Keywords: Gospel of St. Mark Mark 9 33–50 translations rhetoric euphony figures of the group of geminatio
Whole issue publication date:2017
Page range:23 (103-125)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Newer translations of the Gospel according to St. Mark into the Polish language - as well as translations of other books of the Holy Bible - are characterized by a significant reduction of the use of an measures adopted in our culture as a style of biblical, though in varying degrees. In many cases, such measures are fully translatable into the Polish language - e.g. polysyndetic coordination from καὶ . The text of St. Mark uses relatively narrow vocabulary and frequent recurrence of the same expressions. They serve for a clearer arrangement of voicings, the euphony marks subtle literary composition of pericopes. Literary composition of the Gospel of St. Mark is being emphasized by the exploitation of the broad possibilities of semantic and aesthetic use of figures of words per adiectionem, especially the figures of the group widely understood geminatio. In this article detailed classification of these figures is treated cursorily, and main focus is on the compositional (disposable) and the literary consequences of their use in a part of text of 9,33-50 (it can be considered as an independent pericope). The article is the result of a comparison of pericope 9, 33-50 translations by Roman Brandstaetter, Marian Wolniewicz, Czesław Miłosz, Franciszek Sieg SJ, and specified in the fifth edition of the Millennium Bible, and the Paulines Bible. Four of these translators are also a poets. Attention was pointed to the varying degree of respecting of polysyndetic coordination from καὶ and the recurrence of words and phrases, such as. «On the way», «in My name», «accepts», «reason of sin,» «throw», «fire» and the role of antonymy «dispute» and «keep the peace». It turned out that in maintaining euphony of Brandstaetter’s translation healso used the sonic possibilities verses rhyme, which he wrote out the text according to the colometric system. He approached in this way to the construction of versification. The presence of the traditional features of the Polish language in these Bible translations was also noted - respected in varying degrees. Undoubtedly, those translators who also have a poetic legacy, broadly taken into account the aesthetic potential of euphony.
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