Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana

ISSN: 1731-0555     eISSN: 2353-2998    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/cto.2019.1-07

Issue archive / 1/2019
Parafia pw. NMP Matki Kościoła w Warnicach w latach 1977–2018
(The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Warnice in the Years 1977–2018)

Authors: Piotr Lichota
Telewizja Polska Szczecin
Keywords: Warnice parish churches priests the faithful organisation
Whole issue publication date:2019-09-01
Page range:27 (115-141)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


With the end of World War II, the new division of borders destroyed the previous order throughout the country. To the areas inhabited by the Germans until the end of the war, also people from the so-called Central Poland began to arrive. They came here mainly for economic reasons. For many, the arrival to Western Pomerania was the so-called new opening. The first settlers arrived to Warnice and neighbouring villages in autumn 1947. They came mainly from the Końskie district in the Kielce region, from the vicinity of Płock, and from the Rzeszów and Lublin regions. It is these people enriched with various traditions that laid the foundations for the community of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church Parish in Warnice. The Warnice parish last year celebrated the 40th anniversary of its existence. It is a perfect example of how small parish communities developed in the present-day Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese. The temples of the Warnice parish are today its most notable showcase. The church squares are peculiar pearls in every village. The area next to the parish house and outbuildings can serve as an example for the surrounding farms. However, the parish is not just churches and buildings. The variety of pastoral work forms implemented in the parish enriches the spiritual life of its faithful. They willingly participate in Holy Masses, regularly making use of the sacrament of penance and the Eucharist. This is evidenced by the number of Holy Communions given each year, which reach over 40,000. It is safe to write that the parish in Warnice is one of the most active, rural parish communities in the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese.
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