Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług

ISSN: 1896-382X     eISSN: 2353-2866    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/epu.2016.123-31
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ

Issue archive / nr 123 2016
Prognozy rozwoju rynku pracy w społeczeństwie informacyjnym
(Labour market development forecast in the information society)

Authors: Halina Świeboda
Akademia Obrony Narodowej
Keywords: ICT labor market new professions
Whole issue publication date:2016
Page range:7 (337-343)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The financial perspective for 2014–2020 opened another chance to support the development of the information society. The draft operational program Digital Poland as particularly important goals provides for strengthening the foundations of digital development of the country, on the basis of broad access to high speed internet access, efficient and user-friendly e-public services and ever increasing level of digital literacy of society. In the context of the so-formulated goals extremely important is the identification of needs that in the coming future will shape the labor market. The paper is devoted diagnosis of the situation on the labor market and to identify issues and trends important to the social security for which is based on job security. The emerging situation is of strategic importance for predicting labor market trends are particularly relevant in the context of demographic change and thus the future of the country.


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3.Ministerstwo Administracji i Cyfryzacji oraz Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju w 2014 roku; https://mc.gov.pl/projekty/polska-cyfrowa-po-pc-2014-2020/opis-projektu.
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