Authors: |
Jarosław A.
Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania |
Keywords: | brand co-branding co-branding supporting brands supporting brands |
Whole issue publication date: | 2016 |
Page range: | 12 (339-350) |
Klasyfikacja JEL: | M37 |
The process of supporting products’ brands with external brands is increasingly common phenomenon in the market. Co-branding may involve two (or more) products’ brands that are complementary to each other. They pass a message to the target audience about the benefits of synergy or the result of cooperation undertaken by different companies. It can also involve the usage by the product’s brand other external brand to improve its image, increase trust, appeal to the rational, or on the contrary, emotional argument. Getting the benefits of migration of values of the outside brand encourages companies (also non-profit organizations and public institutions) to take this form of brand promotion activities into their strategies. The article, based on studies, attempts to answer, among others, the question whether the use of supporting brand strategy is universal and therefore similar for the different categories of products or varied.
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