Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski

Poland's Demographic Past

ISSN: 0079-7189     eISSN: 2719-4345    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pdp

For Authors

Papers should be sent to PDP through the online platform. Access to it is available on the journal's website in the form of a tab: submit a manuscript. After submitting the text, each author should receive confirmation that the paper has been noted by the editors. If the author does not receive a confirmation within a week, please contact the editorial office by e-mail at or

Articles sent to the PDP shouldn’t exceed 1 publishing sheet with footnotes and graphics (40,000 characters). The Editorial Staff analyse articles sent electronically (MS Word is the recommended format). If articles contain standardized diagrams inside the text they should be also sent in a spreadsheet together with the data source (MS Excel is recommended). Authors are requested to send graphics generated in other programs in separate editable files, if it is possible.

The first page of the article should contain the following information:

1. Surname and affilation of the author (university, faculty),
2. Email,
3. Abstract (a preview of the article up to 1,000 characters),
4. Keywords.

It is recommended that the following points be included in the introduction (2 and 6 partly, 7 optionally):

1. Justification for initiating research,
2. Basic notions,
3. Subject matter and scope of research,
4. Objectives of the research,
5. Research problem and questions,
6. Working hypotheses,
7. Research methods, techniques and tools,
8. Analysis of the sources and the bibliography of the subject matter.

The main part of the article should be concluded with a résumé of the conducted research.

After the main body of the article the author should place the bibliography: all the sources and the literature of the subject matter (in separate blocks). The bibliographic items have to be shown in footnotes. The form of footnotes is recommended to be as follows: name of the archives, name of the fonds, archival reference number, pagination or foliation and optionally in brackets data about the document (who?, what?, where?, when?). Publications in the bibliography should be accompanied by their DOI number. The correct DOI number should be as follows:

At the end of the article there is a summary (preceded by the title of the typescript) which is different from the abstract. The summary contains a comprehensive description of the research objective, sources, methods, results and the final conclusion.

Useful definitions can be found in Roland Pressat's book entitled Słownik demograficzny / The Dictionary of Demography, edited by Ewa Frątczak and Aneta Ptak Chmielewska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, 2014, Warszawa.

We recommend using the Zotero bibliography manager to create footnotes and bibliography in English or Polish (EN or PL version depending on the language used in the paper). The necessary information about the required citation style is included in the guide: The Chicago Manual of Style Online

Font: Times New Roman, 12 points
Line spacing: 1.5

The PDP journal requires transliteration of non-Latin (Cyrillic) texts in accordance with the requirements of the international ISO 9: 1995 standard (officially adopted by Poland as the PN-ISO 9: 2000 standard). This applies to all Cyrillic characters.

Graphics, which consists charts, photos, maps or diagrams should be monochrome, numbered and signed. Its location should be marked in the text, and the source should be provided in a separate file. The images should be attached in JPG or TIFF format at a resolution of at least 300dpi. Charts should be attached with the source file allowing for its editing.

First, the authors of the articles take a stance on the remarks made by the reviewers, then the representative of the Editorial Office sends the number to the publisher, the author signs the publishing contract and, in the case of more than one author, also the authors' statement about the contribution to the publication.

Publishing contract - pattern

Statement on the author's inputs into publictation

Publishing stages:

1. Linguistic and technical editing – the authors are consulted about the changes suggested by the editor,
2. Computer typesetting,
3. Author proofreading,
4. Editorial proofreading (the proofreader analyses the changes suggested by the authors),
5. Introducing the changes suggested in author and editorial proofreading.
6. Revision of the proofreading,
7. Preparation of the cover for the issue,
8. Submission comments (possible editorial errors) and opinions by the editorial board,
9. Acceptance of the issue by the editor-in-chief,
10. Printing.

All information about the journal, including information for authors, can be found in the folder below.

PDP Information Folder