Pedagogika Szkoły Wyższej

ISSN: 2083-4381    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 1/2013
VIII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Pedagogiczny Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego
(8th Nationwide Pedagogical Convention of Polish Pedagogical Society)

Authors: Teresa Andrzejewska
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Keywords: 8th Pedagogical Convention educational discourse inclusion in education positive pedagogy
Whole issue publication date:2013
Page range:11 (143-153)


The next pedagogical convention of Polish Pedagogical Society has given the opportunity to presentation the research results and proposals of solutions of the actual education problems. The leading motto of the convention Difference -education – inclusion has determined the exchange of research results and opinions. Differences, which connect due to exchange of experiences, reflections and pedagogical thoughts can help in inclusion i.e. in building of education for communities with various educational possibilities. Professor Zbigniew Kwieciński has pointed out, that discourse of inclusion should lead to the positive pedagogy. Meanwhile professor Boguslaw Śliwerski has stressed, that the course of teaching process depends upon the “vehicle of the future” i.e. educationalists, teachers, trainers, masters and pupils. Professor Grzegorz Szumski in the recapitulation has stressed the important facet, that there are the continuous need of analyse of the base and superstructure of each pedagogical phenomenon that is issues connected with upbringing and education and also with care.
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