Pedagogika Szkoły Wyższej

ISSN: 2083-4381    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/psw
CC BY-SA   Open Access   CEEOL

APA Style

Formal requirements

Text should be prepared in Microsoft Office Word, according to the following guidelines:

·         font: Times New Roman, 12 points

·         margins: 2.5 cm (default in Microsoft Office Word)

·         do not use upper case letters or small capital letters

·         text justified: with the exception of some quotes, titles, headings, elements of tables and computer graphics

·         line spacing 1.5 (it also concerns the captions of tables and pictures and foot/endnotes)

·         indentation of first lines in paragraphs (default)

·         pages numbered

·         option to divide words – off

·         footnotes inside the text – according to APA (surname, year of publication) (surname, surname, year of publication)

·         tables and diagrams (editable) together with the titles in the right place of the text

·         (in addition, files – if created in Excel, Statistica, CorelDraw, PowerPoint, and the like – should be prepared so as to be readable in black and white version, Times New Roman, font size 8 or 9 points, width – up to 12.5 cm,  height – up to 17 cm)

·         graphic elements (e.g. photos, pictures and the like) should be prepared in the best possible way and saved in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.eps or *.pdf. Photos – 300 dpi, (width – up to 12.5 cm, height – up to 17 cm). Illustrations, diagrams, pictures taken from the internet should not be included

·         formulae: main text – 10 points, superscripts/subscripts – 7 points, width – up to 12 cm; formulae and notations – Times New Roman font, 10 points; variables – italics; numbers – normal font; if formulae are written in the program of formulae, they need to be placed inside the text as editable elements (!)

·         getting the CONSENT OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNERS and revealing the source(s) of the materials used in the publication lie with the author(s)

Each graphic element should be additionally sent as a separate file


Agreement template