Pedagogika Szkoły Wyższej

ISSN: 2083-4381    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 1/2014
Praktyka edukacji muzycznej w klasach początkowych w opiniach studentów pedagogiki – kandydatów na nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
(The practice of music education in early stages of primary education in the opinion of students of pedagogy – candidates for early education teachers)

Authors: Rafał Majzner
Whole issue publication date:2014
Page range:11 (143-153)


The author of the following study discusses the role of music education inearly stages of primary education in the opinion of students of pedagogy. He alsopresents opinions of candidates for primary school education teachers on realization of music education classes in practice, as well as the teachers’ approach tomusic education within the frames of the model of integrated education. Furthermore,research issues presented in the article refer to forms of music educationand didactic means applied by teachers.
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