This article presents findings regarding the number of old prints from former Szczecin collections in the University Library in Poznań and discusses their provenance. An analysis of materials from the Archive of the University Library in Poznań revealed that between 1945 and 1948, over 2,350 volumes of books, primarily old prints, were transported from Szczecin to this library. A review of the provenance of old prints in the University Library in Poznań (conducted between 2021 and 2022) revealed that there are currently 2,273 old prints in 1,550 volumes from several historical Szczecin collections. Over 1,700 of these prints have provenance from the Mariacki Gymnasium (Bibliotheca Gymnasii Palaeo-Sedinensis / Library of the Marienstift Gymnasium in Szczecin). Around 500 works come from the City Library (Stadtbibliothek Stettin, later Stadtbücherei from 1916). However, this number also includes books from other historical collections in Szczecin and Wismar. These are fragments of libraries from institutions such as Gesammt-Kirchen-Bibliothek von St. Jacobi Stettin, Bibliotheca Summi Regii Tribunalis Wismariensis (a fragment of the collection from 1879 at the Oberlandesgericht Stettin), Appellationsgericht Stettin, Pommersches Museum, Stadtgymnasium, Rathsbibliothek, and Loge zu den Drei Zirkeln. A dozen old prints originate from the Library of the Society for Pomeranian History and Antiquities (Bibliothek des Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Alterthumskunde in Stettin).