Rocznik Komparatystyczny

ISSN: 2081-8718     eISSN: 2353-2831    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/rk

About journal

The Comparative Yearbook  - p-ISSN 2081-8718, e-ISSN 2353-2831 - is an international journal dedicated to literary, cultural and intermedial comparative studies (in circulation since 2010). We publish - in Polish, English and German -  theoretical and methodological articles devoted to comparative studies as well as comparative analyses of texts representing different cultures and disciplines. We also publish reviews of monographs on comparative literature and culture studies, and we review comparative monographs sent to the editorial board. Each issue is monographic and is briefly described in Polish and in English (or German) on the CY's back cover. The journal is indexed in: CEEOL, ERIH Plus, EBSCO and BazHum.

Comparative Yearbook 14 (2023)

The fourteenth issue of the Comparative Yearbook is devoted to the relationship between the original and translation work. The authors attempt to systematize possible intertextual and intercultural connections – contemporary ones as well as those specific to earlier eras – and present thorough analyses of individual cases, revealing unknown aspects of the authorial achievements of many authors of Polish and world literature. The contextual interpretations of the relationship between writing and translating presented in this issue allow us to see the nuances of the mechanisms of world literature that usually escape the attention of researchers of national literatures.

Comparative Yearbook 13 (2022)

The articles presented in this Comparative Yearbook offer new perspectives on law and literature. Such aspects as the parallels between law, literature, history and comparative studies are discussed. Specific laws and legal themes are analysed in various works of literature. Bringing together scholars representing various disciplines, this volume offers an interdisciplinary dialogue between law and literature.

Comparative Yearbook 12 (2021)

The history of connections between comparative literary studies and the history of ideas is as long as the comparative research itself. Already at the end of the 18th century, literature was perceived as an important source in the study of the history of specific ideological and intellectual structures. The articles presented in this Comparative Yearbook propose a series of new approaches to this issue. Selected categories of contemporary humanistic discourse (gender and religion) as well as traditions of historical and literary periodization play important roles in the discussions.

Comparative Yearbook 11 (2020)

This special issue of The Comparative Yearbook thematises melodrama as a mode of the contemporary cultural production. Delineating, both synchronically and diachronically, melodrama as, first, an embodiment of modality, the texts we have selected for this issue of the yearbook subsequently reveal to the reader the transcultural character of this convention only to present its liberatory impact on or exchange with other cultural productions. From this contemporary perspective, melodrama offers itself as an worldview via which we respond to and comprehend the cultural climate of the 21st global reality.

Comparative Yearbook 10 (2019)

The 10th issue  of the Comparative Yearbook offers a host of cross-cultural vista on the Other. Otherness has been approached from various temporal and spatial perspectives as well as addressed both in connection with the reception and translation studies and such seemingly non-literary disciplines as e.g. intercultural psychology or cultural geography. This issue also includes a selection of articles on the attitude of Polish writers toward their multicultural and historical heritage and some reviews of a book on Zbigniew Herbert and his Austrian audiences.

Comparative Yearbook 9 (2018)

The 9th issue of the Comparative Yearbook offers new perspectives on the mechanisms of comparative studies and translation studies. The theoretical standpoints are complemented by intercultural and intermedial analyses dedicated to particular world authors, and to pieces of literature in their connection to fine arts, music and film. In addition, two different insights into a concept of Polishness are presented, and Sentimentalism in Polish literature is comprehensively discussed in the context of other literatures and other arts.

The Editorial Board

Comparative Yearbook 8 (2017)

The authors of the 8th volume of the Comparative Yearbook explore the intercultural experiences of writers living in multicultural areas such as Gdańsk, the Polish-German borderland or Argentina. The volume discusses the intertwined issues of language experiments, translation and reception studies. Intermediality also receives much attention in the context of music and literature, poetry and photography, literature and technology as do two other topics, namely the comparative aspects of traditional and modern Indian drama, and the writing of Polish feminists active in Europe. Analyses of literary relationships and intertextuality, together with presentations of two comparative volumes, supplement the volume.

The Editorial Board

Comparative Yearbook 7 (2016)

The 7th issue of the Comparative Yearbook is devoted to intermedial comparative studies. Possible methodological approaches are discussed as well as different intermedial phenomena (e. g. graphic novel, audiovisual performance,  text/music/art works). New methodological perspectives for comparative studies are also introduced (comparative studies and medievalism, animist realism, digital graphics), and comparative aspects of literary anthologies are interpreted. Among reception and translation issues, philosophical, philological and sociological problems are discussed, including Polish female authors relations with the world literature/culture. The issue is supplemented by a presentation of the translation work of Karl Dedecius, and by a  review of a recently published comparative monograph on Tatar culture.

The Editorial Board

Comparative Yearbook 6 (2015)

The 6th issue of the Comparative Yearbook is based on the discussions held by specialists from Poland and around the world at the international conference Narodowe, regionalne, kontynentalne, światowe: literatury i dyskursy o literaturach | National, Regional, Continental, Global:  Literatures and Discourses on Literatures (September 2014, the University of Szczecin). The Yearbook deals with the theoretical and ethical problems of comparative studies (both in their world, national and regional contexts), possible manners of discussing the Other and the presence of Polish literature in comparative studies. Additionally, the Yearbook discusses the transnational character of intermedial studies, translation as a means of intercultural communication as well as the new research comparative projects on Polish literature. The issue is supplemented by the presentation of recently published comparative monographs.

The Editorial Board

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