Studia Językoznawcze

synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny

ISSN: 1730-4180     eISSN: 2353-3161    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sj.2015.14-14

Issue archive / t. 14, 2015
Językowa kreacja wizerunku władców w średniopolskim piśmiennictwie historiograficznym – przyczynek do badań dyskursu tożsamościowego
(Linguistic creation of the image of sovereigns in Middle Polish historiographic writing – a con tributionto the analysis of identity discourse)

Authors: Magdalena Hawrysz
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Keywords: identity discourse, historiography, images of sovereigns
Whole issue publication date:2015
Page range:15 (210-224)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


The paper attempts to describe a fragment of the 16th century historiographic writing,perceived as a tool for shaping attitudes, spreading values, creating and consolidatingcollective memory. 16th century Polish catalogues of monarchs (Ikones) constitute the resourcematerial. They performed the commemorative function, but were also used by theauthorities as a channel for disseminating information about the history of the state andthe society from the angle of the deeds of sovereigns. The figures of the rulers recordedin the catalogues may serve as universal patterns of both positive (the knight, the host,the father, the faithful) as well as negative attitudes. This form of writing was decisive inrespect of what should be remembered and how, constructing common world view andhence developing the identity of the nation of the gentry.
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