Studia Maritima

ISSN: 0137-3587     eISSN: 2353-303X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/sm.2020.33-07
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / Vol. 33 2020
Portuguese Navy operations on Lake Niassa (1967–1974)

Authors: Krzysztof Kubiak ORCID
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
Keywords: Mozambique Lake Niassa guerrilla war counterguerrilla operations portuguese Navy
Whole issue publication date:2020
Page range:17 (165-181)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


For a decade, from 1964 to 1974, the Portuguese Navy planned, organised and conducted low-intensity counterguerrilla activities on Lake Niassa (Nyasa, Malawi). It was one of the theatres of confrontation with the anti-colonial liberation movement. The Portuguese main- tained a lasting advantage on Lake Niassa. This fact significantly hindered the use of ship- ping lanes to transfer guerrillas to Southern Mozambique. In operational, tactical and lo- gistical terms, operations on Lake Niassa are an example of the flexibility of the navy and its ability to face a wide variety of challenges. At the same time, the Portuguese demonstrated considerable organisational skills, as well as the ability to improvise effectively and manage in a rational way very limited resources. The article was based on Portuguese documents, studies and reports, as well as studies in English.
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