Annales Neophilologiarum

ISSN: 1734-4557     eISSN: 2353-2823    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/an
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 10 (2016)

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Table of Contents/Articles/Chapters

# Title Page range Authors Actions

Inne strony początkowe

(Other first pages)
4 (1-4) --- More

Интровертная личность в процессе усвоения иностранного языка

(Introverted personality in the process of foreign language acquisition)
15 (5-19) Krystyna Janaszek More

Revue des recherches empiriques sur l’anxiété langagière et la réussite

(Review of studies on the relationship between language anxiety and achievement)
21 (21-41) Sylwia Kalińska-Łuszczyńska More

Словосочетание – коллокация – репродукт: несколько слов о сверхсловных единицах языка (типологический аспект)

(Combination of word – collocation – reproduct. a few words about multiword lexical unit (typological aspect))
9 (43-51) Robert Kościelniak More

Konzeptuelle Metaphern in den Texten ausgewählter Lieder aus den deutschen, polnischen und russischen musikalischen Charts 2015

(Conceptual metaphors in the lyrics of selected songs from the German, Polish and Russian musical charts 2015)
14 (53-66) Dinara Stepaniszczewa More

El uso de la imagen en las evaluaciones y certificaciones de idiomas

(Use of images in the languages examination and certification)
17 (67-83) Aleksander Wiater More

"Le convoi du 24 janvier" de Charlotte Delbo et la mémoire ressuscitée de la Déportation

(Charlotte Delbo' s novel "Convoy to Auschwitz" and the regained memory of the Deportation)
12 (84-95) Beata Kędzia-Klebeko More

Wisława Szymborska and the Nobel Prize in Literature in British and American Newspapers (1996-2012)

13 (97-109) Katarzyna Kondratowicz More

The Ostrogothic Kingdom in the Old English "Boethius" and the Germanic myth of Origin in Anglo-Saxon England

15 (111-125) Jacek Olesiejko More

Духовность в драматургии Ивана Вырыпаева

(Spirituality in Ivan Vyrypaev's plays)
21 (127-147) Maciej Pieczyński More

Сверхсознание как трагическое «наказание» Родиона Pомановича Pаскольникова

(Superconsciousness as the tragic “punishment” of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov)
12 (149-160) Konrad Rachut More

Cinque anni prima del quidditch: La Pallastrada di Stefano Benni

(Five years before quidditch: Stefano Benni's Street Football)
12 (161-172) Angelo Sollano More

“May God Pickle You”: Intercultural Battle for Words in Polish World War II Recollections

20 (173-192) Joanna Witkowska More

Lvovské emancipantky ve srovnání s českým ženským hnutím na sklonku 19. století. Na příkladu časopisu „Ster“ („Kormidlo“), za redakce Pauliny Kuczalské-Reinschmit (1895–1897)

(Emancipationists from Lviv and the Czech women’s movement at the end of the 19th century – the example of the periodical Ster [Helm] edited by Paulina Kuczalska-Reinschmit (1895–1897))
19 (193-211) Agata Zawiszewska More

Askedal, John Ole et al. (Hg.): Norsk grammatikk. Riksmål og moderat bokmål. [Revidert utgave av Gorgus Coward, Riksmålsgrammatikk], 2. opplag. Oslo: Det Norske Akademi for Språk og Litteratur og Kunnskapsforlaget, 2015

9 (213-221) Gero Lietz More