Autobiografia Literatura Kultura Media

ISSN: 2353-8694     eISSN: 2719-4361    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/au.2024.2.23-10
CC BY-SA   Open Access   DOAJ  ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / nr 2 (23) 2024
„Mamo, nie jesteśmy nędznikami z Belsen! Ale mogliśmy być i bylibyśmy…” Philipa Rotha kłopot z Ocaleniem
(“We are not wretched of Belsen, mother! We were not victims of that crime…”. Philip Roth’s Trouble with Survival)

Authors: Piotr Weiser ORCID
Uniwersytet kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego; Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
Editorial Board: Paulina Iwan
Keywords: Philip Roth Jews American Jews Holocaust Rescue from the Holocaust
Whole issue publication date:2024
Page range:15 (137-151)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


This essay is an attempt to understand the problem of surviving the Holocaust in Philip Roth's prose, starting from his Conversion (1958) to Indignation (2008). Survival is a topic that returns regularly in Roth's novels and in various contexts (American, European, Israeli), and is also a diffuse topic. The author of the article proposes a detailed analysis of Roth's plots from the titular angle, compares his statements about the Holocaust and survival, confronts them and interprets them, remaining, so to speak, inside the text.
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1.Novels and short stories 1959-1962 (Goodbye, Columbus and five short stories, Letting go), Library of America, New York 2005.
2.Novels 1967-1972 (When she was good, Portnoy’s complaint, Our gang, and The breast), Library of America, New York 2005.
3.Novels 1973-1977 (The great American novel, My life as a man, and The professor of desire), Library of America, New York 2006.
4.Zuckerman bound. A trilogy and an epilogue 1979-1985 (The ghost writer, Zuckerman unbound, The anatomy lesson, and The Prague orgy). Library of America, New York 2007.
5.Novels and other narratives 1986-1991 (The counterlife, The facts, deception, patrimony), Library of America, New York 2008.
6.Novels 1993-1995 (Operation Shylock, Sabbath’s theater), Library of America, New York 2010.
7.The American Trilogy 1997-2000 (American pastoral, I married a communist, The human stain), Library of America, New York 2011.
8.Novels 2001-2007 (The dying animal, The plot against America, Exit ghost), Library of America, New York 2013.
9.Nemeses (Everyman, Indignation, The humbling, Nemesis), Library of America, New York 2013.
10.The conversion of the Jews, w: Goodbye, Columbus and five short stories, Corgi Books, London 1971.
11.Letting go, Corgi Books, London 1978.