Finanse, Rynki Finansowe, Ubezpieczenia

Previously: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Finanse, Rynki Finansowe, Ubezpieczenia

ISSN: 2450-7741    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/frfu.2018.92-41
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 2/2018 (92)
Federalizm fiskalny – wady i zalety

Authors: Barbara Wieliczko
Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej
Keywords: fiscal federalism decentralization impact on economic growth.
Whole issue publication date:2018
Page range:8 (477-484)
Klasyfikacja JEL: H77 H71 H72
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Purpose – The aim of the article is to present the state of current knowledge concerning the advantages and disadvantages of fiscal federalism. The recent global financial crisis was an impulse to verify the current assessment of these advantages and disadvantages. Design/methodology/approach – The article is based on a review of literature on the subject of fiscal federalism. Findings – The conclusions stemming from this review indicate that the advantages exceed the disadvantages only when fiscal federalism is implemented in conditions of a well-functioning institutional system and when there is an effective mechanism for supporting the poorest regions by others, i.e. a mechanism of redistribution. Originality/value – The paper enables getting acquainted with the results of the current arrangements regarding the balance of costs and benefits of using fiscal federalism, which is a voice in the discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of increasing the autonomy of regions in the implementation of state or EU tasks.
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