Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2020.2-05

Issue archive / z. 2 2020
Odświętne i oficjalne – listy i inne teksty gratulacyjne placówek edukacyjnych obszaru kultury niemieckojęzycznej w wieku XVIII na przykładzie Gimnazjów Akademickich w Szczecinie i Gdańsku (wybór tekstów źródłowych wraz z komentarzem, transkrypcją i przekładem)
(Ceremonial and official: Letters and other congratulation texts of the educational establishments of the 18th century German-language culture area as exemplified by the Academic Gymnasia in Szczecin and Gdańsk (a selection of source materials with annotations, transcripts, and translation))

Authors: Jacek Pokrzywnicki
Keywords: Academic Gymnasium – Szczecin Academic Gymnasium – Gdańsk Acta iubilaei secundi Gymnasii Gedanensis congratulation letter programma transcription translation Respublica litteraria
Data publikacji całości:2020
Page range:24 (95-118)
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The text comprises selected fragments of the official Latin correspondence between the Academic Gymnasium in Szczecin and the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk which in 1758 celebrated its 200 anniversary. These texts were printed in Gdańsk somewhere around 1758–1759 in a special jubilee publication Acta iubilaei secundi Gymnasii Gedanensis… They were authored probably by the then rector of the Szczecin school Heinrich Moritz Titz. Formally, it is a congratulation letter (one of the two officially sent from Szczecin to Gdańsk), which expressed the response of the school community to the Gdańsk jubilee. The letter was accompanied with a programma, which can be understood as an announcement of the Gdańsk jubilee. The community of the professors of the Academic Gymnasium in Szczecin addressed this announcement to its students and the prominent members of the local municipal community. These writings exemplify the institutional contacts within the Respublica litteraria. They were transcribed and translated into the Polish language. They are preceded by an Introduction in which I commented their content and form, and took an attempt to explain the role of this correspondence among many other, formally similar, congratulation texts in the Acta iubilaei secundi Gymnasii Gedanensis…
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