Przegląd Zachodniopomorski

ISSN: 0552-4245     eISSN: 2353-3021    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/pz.2016.3-03

Issue archive / z. 3 2016
Współpraca elektryków krakowskich i lwowskich do 1939 roku
(Cooperation between Electricians from Cracow and Lviv up to 1939)

Authors: Jan Strzałka
Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich, Oddział w Krakowie

Zbigniew Porada
Politechnika Krakowska
Keywords: Association of Polish Electricians SEP the Cracow Section of the SEP
Data publikacji całości:2016
Page range:11 (31-41)
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Since the beginning of the 20th century Lviv electrical engineers had belonged to the Electrical Engineering Section of the Polytechnic Association in Lviv, and its Cracow counterparts – to the Electrical Engineering Section of the Cracow Technical Association. The Lviv Section was strongly supported by the Electrical Engineering Section of the Cracow Technical Association, which was created later but had a similar programme. After the First World War the common activities of electricians from Cracow and Lviv concentrated on creating one national organisation of electrical engineers. In 1919 electricians from Cracow and Lviv were among the main initiators of the All-Poland Convention of Electrical Engineers in Warsaw. The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP) was founded during that Convention. Afterwards and especially after unifying Poland, both the Lviv Section and the Cracow Section contributed towards unifying Polish electrical engineers, and in the subsequent years – as a Sections of the SEP – they both worked in harmony to develop that segment of Polish science and economy.
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