Rocznik Komparatystyczny

ISSN: 2081-8718     eISSN: 2353-2831    OAI
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 5 (2014)
Przekład hipertekstowy. Teoria i praktyka

Authors: Ewa Szczęsna
Uniwersytet Warszawski

Urszula Pawlicka
Uniwersytet Warszawski

Mariusz Pisarski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Keywords: comparative literature hypertext translation digital literature inter-media translation adaptation
Whole issue publication date:2014
Page range:22 (373-394)


The aim of our study is to present a new type of translation which takes place on the crossroads of language (translation proper), medium (adaptation) and a combination of software and hardware (port/porting). Looking closely at several translations of American hypertext fiction and poetry into Polish (afternoon, a story by Michael Joyce, Blueberries by Susan Gibb) we analyze textual procedures that must be taken into account while translating digital literature, at the same time scrutinizing various challenges (on the level of text semantics) that must be faced by the authors of this new kind of translation. Our goal is to demonstrate in what ways the shift from one medium and semiotic system (print) to another (screen) changes the ontology of the literary work and the scope of translator’s assignments. It is especially important in the situation when verbal elements are no longer sole conveyers of meaning, but are instead accompanied by multimedia elements and the underlying layer of computer code. Four forms of digital translation are presented: digitalization, digital adaptation, structural translations and hypertextual translation. Two possible instances of the hypertext translation are discussed; one is a language to language translation over the programming layer, the other being an adaptation of classic work into a hypertext structure. We analyze the stages and specifics of digital translation. Translation that takes into account the visual, the operational (interface) and the programming layer of the work becomes a process on events rather than a process on textual elements. Hypertextual translation – as we conclude – is a multidimensional transformation of text that happens on the semiotic, technological and the cultural levels at the same time.
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