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28. | The Dubliners. Free The People. |
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35. | The Dubliners. McAlpine’s Fusiliers. |
36. | The Dubliners. My Little Son. |
37. | The Dubliners. Nelson’s Farewell. |
38. | The Dubliners. Now I’m Easy. |
39. | The Dubliners. O’Connell’s Steam Engine. |
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43. | The Dubliners. Rebellion. |
44. | The Dubliners. Roddy McCorley. |
45. | The Dubliners. Rule, Britannia! |
46. | The Dubliners. School Days Over. |
47. | The Dubliners. Scorn Not His Simplicity. |
48. | The Dubliners. Second World Song. |
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50. | The Dubliners. Skibbereen. |
51. | The Dubliners. Song for Ireland. |
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