Authors: |
Politechnika Wrocławska Wiesław Dobrowolski Politechnika Wrocławska |
Keywords: | quality management service processes information technology |
Whole issue publication date: | 2015 |
Page range: | 10 (51-60) |
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7. | Pearce M., Zeadally S., Hunt R. (2013), Virtualization: Issues, security threats, and solutions, „ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)”, v. 45 n. 2, February. |
8. | PN-EN ISO 9000:2006, System zarządzania jakością – Podstawy i terminologia, Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny, Warszawa 2006. |
9. | Rivard S., Lapointe L. (2012), Information technology implementers responses to user resistance: nature and effects, „MIS Quarterly”, 36(3), 2012. |
10. | Shing-Han Li, David C. Yen, Chung-Chiang Hu, Wen-Hui Lu, Yung-Chen Chiu (2012), Identifying critical factors for corporate implementing virtualization technology, „Computers in Human Behavior”, Vol. 28, Issue 6. |
11. | Sun Y., Fang Y., Lim K., Straub D. (2013), User Satisfaction with Information Tech-nology Service Delivery: A Social Capital Perspective, „Information Systems Re-search”, Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2013. |
12. | Wai L.S.M.D.L., Seebaluck A.K., Teeroovengadum V. (2011), Impact of information technology on quality management dimensions and its implications, „European Busi-ness Review”, 23 (6). |
13. | Zissis D., Lekkas D. (2012), Addressing cloud computing security issues, „Future Gen-eration Computer Systems”, Volume 28, Issue 3, March 2012. |