Europa Regionum

ISSN: 1428-278X    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/er.2017.32-08
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / t. 32 2017
Edukacja finansowa w Polsce na tle rozwiązań irlandzkich, szwajcarskich i amerykańskich
(Financial education in Poland against the background of Irish, Swiss and American solutions)

Authors: Agata Lewandowska
Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomiki Usług Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: financial education financial literacy
Whole issue publication date:2017
Page range:20 (101-120)
Klasyfikacja JEL: A20 D01 I22 I28
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


Dynamic situation on financial market – permanent development of financial services and products, market changes and inevitable crises show how important for the citizens is to have a basic knowledge on finances and management. Currently, the financial awareness and literacy is crucial for modern society to function. It should be the basis, in a long-term perspective, for a stable and decent citizen’s life conditions. Financial education is, nowadays, the key factor in financial market development. Only financially – conscious consumers are able to use the innovations and possibilities of a modern market of financial services. With no knowledge on the benefits and threats on a purchase of banking service, the consumers will not select the most effective and customized product for themselves.The aim of the article is an attempt of showing the level of financial education in Poland against a solutions background of those proposed in Ireland, Switzerland and United States of America. The author highlights the need of financial education for a proper market and societies development. This article analysed the implementation of financial education against other countries. Financial education, knowledge, skills and consciousness of financial behaviours, in current shape, are not to be keeping pace with the complexity of financial market. Undoubtedly positive is the recognition that the lack of financial success of societies is more and more connected with their low financial literacy. It has been noticed and researched that the high level of financial education of the consumers allows them to gain benefits not only in individual perspective but also in an economic aspect. Study methodology – comparative analysis, logical inference.
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