Authors: |
Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytet Gdański Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała |
Keywords: | open science risk asymmetry technology transfer |
Whole issue publication date: | 2017 |
Page range: | 11 (381-391) |
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18. | Gibbons, M. (1998). Higher Education Relevance in the 21st Century. Human Development Network, World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
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20. | Goh, A.L. (2005). Towards an innovation-driven economy through industrial policy-making: An evolutionary analysis of Singapore. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 3 (10), 34. |
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22. | Haeussler, A., Dietmar, H., Mueller, E. (2014). How patenting informs VC investors – The case of biotechnology. Research Policy, 43, 1286–1298 |
23. | Heeley, M.B., Matusik, S.F., Jain, N. (2007). Innovation, Appropriablility, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Academy of Management Journal, 1 (50), 209–225. |
24. | Houghton, J., Sheehan, P. (2009). Estimating the potential impacts of open access to research findings. Economic Analysis and Policy, 1 (29), 127–142. |
25. | Houghton, J., Rasmussen, B., Sheehan, P. (2010). Economic and social returns on investment in open archiving publicly funded research outputs. Report to the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), Center for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University. |
26. | Houghton, J.A., Brown, S.S. (2011). Access to research and technical information in Denmark, Technical Report, School of Electronics and Computer Science. University of Southampton. |
27. | JISC (2014). The value and impact of data sharing and curation: A synthesis of three recent studies of UK research data centers. JISC, March. Retrieved from: (11.06.2015). |
28. | Kowalczyk, S., Shankar, K. (2010). Data sharing in the sciences. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 45, 247–294. |
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30. | Lee, J.S., Wang, J.C. (2003). Public policies for the promotion of an innovation-driven economy in Taiwan. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 3 (3), 227–248. |
31. | Lemley, M.A. (2012). The myth of the sole inventor. Michigan Law Review, 5 (110),709–760. |
32. | Lemley, M.A., Melamed, A.D. (2013). Missing the Forest for the Trolls. Columbia Law Review, 113, 2117, 2126. |
33. | Leung, C.M., Kwok, Y.K. (2012). Patent-investment games under asymmetric information. European Journal of Operational Research, 223, 441–451. |
34. | Long, C. (2002). Patent Signals. The University of Chicago Law Review, 2 (69), 625–679. |
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