Authors: |
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Tomasz Jewartowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu |
Keywords: | earnings management institutional investors ownership stability agency costs companies’ ownership structure |
Whole issue publication date: | 2018 |
Page range: | 13 (255-267) |
Klasyfikacja JEL: | G10 G30 M40 |
Opracowanie powstało w ramach projektu badawczego finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (nr 2014/13/B/HS4/01556)
1. | Achleitner, A.K., Günther, N., Kaserer, C., Siciliano, G. (2014). Real Earnings Management and Accrual-Based Earnings Management in Family Firms. European Accounting Review, 3 (23), 431–461. |
2. | Badertscher, B.A. (2011). Overvaluation and the Choice of Alternative Earnings Management Mechanisms. The Accounting Review, 5 (86), 1491–1518. |
3. | Bartov, E., Gul, F.A., Tsui, J.S.L. (2000). Discretionary-Accruals Models and Audit Qualifications. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3 (30), 421–452. |
4. | Brzeszczyński, J., Gajdka, J., Schabek, T. (2011). Earnings Management in Polish Companies. Comparative Economic Research, 3 (14), 137–150. |
5. | Burgstahler, D., Dichev, I. (1997). Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1 (24), 99–126. |
6. | Bushee, B.J. (1998). The Influence of Institutional Investors on Myopic R&D Investment Behavior. The Accounting Review, 3 (73), 305–333. |
7. | Cohen, D.A., Zarowin, P. (2010). Accrual-Based and Real Earnings Management Activities around Seasoned Equity Offerings. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1 (50), 2–19. |
8. | Dechow, P.M., Skinner, D.J. (2000). Earnings Management: Reconciling the Views of Accounting Academics, Practitioners, and Regulators. Accounting Horizons, 2 (14), 235–250. |
9. | Dechow, P.M., Sloan, R.G., Sweeney, A.P. (1995). Detecting Earnings Management. Accounting Review, 2 (70), 193–225. |
10. | Degeorge, F., Ding, Y., Jeanjean, T., Stolowy, H. (2013). Analyst Coverage, Earnings Management and Financial Development: An International Study. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 1 (32), 1–25. |
11. | Elyasiani, E., Jia, J.J. (2008). Institutional Ownership Stability and BHC Performance. Journal of Banking & Finance, 9 (32), 1767–1781. |
12. | Gruszczyński, M. (2012). Empiryczne finanse przedsiębiorstw: Mikroekonometria finansowa. Warszawa: Difin. |
13. | Gunny, K.A. (2010). The Relation Between Earnings Management Using Real Activities Manipulation and Future Performance: Evidence from Meeting Earnings Benchmarks Contemporary Accounting Research, 3 (27), 855–888. |
14. | Healy, P.M., Wahlen, J.M. (1999). A Review of the Earnings Management Literature and Its Implications for Standard Setting. Accounting Horizons, 4 (13), 365–383. |
15. | Jones, J.J. (1991). Earnings Management during Import Relief Investigations. Journal of Accounting Research, 2 (29), 193–228. |
16. | Koh, P.S. (2007). Institutional Investor Type, Earnings Management and Benchmark Beaters. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 3 (23), 267–299. |
17. | Kothari, S.P., Leone, A.J., Wasley, C.E. (2005). Performance Matched Discretionary Accrual Measures. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1 (39), 163–197. |
18. | Ronen, J., Yaari, V. (2008). Earnings Management: Emerging Insights in Theory, Practice, and Research. New York: Springer. |
19. | Roychowdhury, S. (2006). Earnings Management through Real Activities Manipulation. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3 (42), 335–370. |
20. | Sakaki, H., Jackson, D., Jory, S. (2017). Institutional Ownership Stability and Real Earnings Management. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1 (49), 227–244. |
21. | Schipper, K. (1989). Earnings Management. Accounting Horizons, 4 (3), 91–102. |
22. | Shleifer, A., Vishny, R. W. (1986). Large Shareholders and Corporate Control. The Journal of Political Economy, 3 (94), 461–488. |
23. | Wójtowicz, P. (2010). Wiarygodność sprawozdań finansowych wobec aktywnego kształtowania wyniku finansowego. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego. |
24. | Zang, A.Y. (2012). Evidence on the Trade-Off between Real Activities Manipulation and Accrual-Based Earnings Management. The Accounting Review, 2 (87), 675–703. |