Rocznik Komparatystyczny

ISSN: 2081-8718     eISSN: 2353-2831    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/rk.2016.7-13
CC BY-SA   Open Access   ERIH PLUS

Issue archive / 7 (2016)
Die Transposition als eine Art Lektüre von Beiträge zur Philosophie

Authors: Łukasz Kołoczek
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Keywords: transposition translation Martin Heidegger Contributions to Philosophy
Whole issue publication date:2016
Page range:16 (219-234)
Cited-by (Crossref) ?:


In this article I formulate the problem of translation Heidegger’s project of Beyng into other languages, particularly into Polish. Firstly, I note that Heidegger himself makes translation. I investigate what his practice of translation consist of. Secondly, it appears that structurally the translation corresponds to the project of Beyng, which means that it is only possible to carry out within the framework of this project, but at the same time the project is, in one sense, the “result” of this translation. Thirdly, I show that to the essence of this philosophy belongs the language, in which one thinks, and not only for the philological reasons, but primarily because of the relationship of Beyng with speech and speech with thinking. In this context I put the question about the possibility of thinking of Beyng in different language that the German. I suggest to repeat the same gesture of Heidegger, meaning to translate the project of Beyng to Polish in the same way in which he translates from Greek to German. This method I call transposition.
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