Authors: |
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Wydział Informatyki Katarzyna Witkowska Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Wydział Informatyki |
Keywords: | fuzzy cognitive mapping on-line marketing eye tracking |
Whole issue publication date: | 2015 |
Page range: | 14 (227-240) |
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13. | Jankowski J. (2011), Integration of Collective Knowledge in Fuzzy Models Supporting Web Design Process, Gdynia, s. 395–404. |
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18. | Mohr S. (1997), The use and interpretation of fuzzy cognitive maps, Master’s Project, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. |
19. | Papageorgiou E., Kontogianni A. (2011), Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping in environmental decision making and management: a methodological primer and an application, w: International Perspectives on Global Environmental Change, red. S.S. Young, S.E. Silvern, |
20. | Poole A., Ball L.J. (2006), Eye Tracking in Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Research: Current Status and Future Prospects, w: Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction, red. C. Ghaoui, s. 211–219. |
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23. | Stylios C., Groumpos P. (2004), Modeling complex systems using fuzzy cognitive maps, „Systems Man, Cybernetics, Part A: Systems Humans IEEE Transactions”, vol. 34 (1). |
24. | Tsadiras A., Margaritis K. (1999), An experimental study of the dynamics of the certainty neuron fuzzy cognitive maps, „Neurocomputing”, vol. 24, s. 95–116. |