Annales Neophilologiarum

ISSN: 1734-4557     eISSN: 2353-2823    OAI    DOI: 10.18276/an
CC BY-SA   Open Access 

Issue archive / 9 (2015)


Table of Contents/Articles/Chapters

# Title Page range Authors Actions

Alcune considerazioni sulle metafore della crisi economica nella stampa italiana on-line

(Some considerations on the metaphors of the economic crisis in the Italian press on-line)
20 (5-24) Edyta Bocian More

The semantics of "at"

30 (26-55) Maria Brenda More

Говорят ли животные на разных языках? О звукоподражаниях в польском, русском и английском языках

(Do animals speak different languages? The following essay tells us about onomatopoeic words in Polish, Russian and English languages)
16 (57-72) Dorota Dziadosz More

Lautes lesen – Intonationsübungen für polnische Germanistikstudenten

(Reading aloud – practicing sentence intonation patterns for polish students of German)
13 (73-85) Beata Głowińska More

Аббревиатуры: языковая игра как развлечение или как инструмент оценки? (на материале языка современных российских СМИ)

(Abbreviations: language game as entertainment or as a tool of evaluation? (based on the language of modern Russian media))
8 (87-94) Svetlana Ilyasova More

Эмоционально-чувствительная сфера личности студента неофилолога и результаты, достигаемые в обучении иностранному языку

(The emotional-affective area of modern languages and literature student and the results being achieved in the process of language education)
18 (95-112) Krystyna Janaszek More

The acoustic properties of the syllabic rhotic of Croatian

19 (113-131) Sylwester Jaworski More

Вербальные и невербальные способы выражения грусти в современном русском языке

(Werbal and non-werbal means of expressing grief in modern Russian)
10 (133-142) Katarzyna Kondzioła-Pich More

La formazione dell’autonomia e lo sviluppo della riflessività di futuri insegnanti sull’esempio di un tirocinio professionale di lingua francese

(Encouraging autonomy and reflection in preservice teachers on the example of a pedagogical practice in French teaching)
15 (143-157) Anna Niedzielko More

The sociophonology of /l/ and /r/ vocalisation and intrusion

8 (159-166) Tomasz Obiała More

Dvosmislenosti zbog reda riječi u hrvatskoj i poljskoj rečenici

(Ambiguities about word order in Croatian and Polish languages)
22 (167-188) Neda Pintarić More

Отражение актуальных политических событий в современном медийном словотворчестве

(A reflection of current political events in modern media word creation)
9 (189-197) Larisa Ratsiburskaya More

Ностальгические названия водок

(Nostalgic brand names of vodka)
8 (199-206) Halina Stelmach More

О паремиографии Морица Ильича Михельсона

(On Moric Michelson’s paremiography)
9 (207-215) Tomasz Szutkowski More

El piano o la dignidad en la pobreza

(El piano or dignity in poverty)
11 (217-227) Santa Ferretti More

(Beб)-комикс как современный феномен семиотики

((Web) comics as a modern semiotic fenomens)
11 (229-239) Natalia Góra More

La notion de l’action dans l’oeuvre d’Antoine de Saint-Exupery

(The notion of action in writing of Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
9 (241-249) Beata Skuza More